Sunday, August 4, 2013

New Purchase - The Games of War

If you're new to the hobby of wargaming, or are looking for an all encompassing book of rules that cover every era and every aspect of wargaming, "The Games of War" by John Bobek (ISBN-13: 978-1434330284) is the book to buy.  The material in this book is broad.  It has rule sets that cover:

  • Ancients all the way to to the Modern era, 
  • adaptations for fantasy and science fiction battles
  • skirmish actions using 1/32 scale (54mm) to larger scale actions using smaller scale figures
  • land, air, and naval warfare
The main reason that I purchased this book was for the chapter on using miniature wargames as lab exercises for teaching history.  The author is a teacher in the Chicago Catholic schools and did a fantastic job with these chapters.  I definitely would have been more interested in history as a kid if my history teachers found a way to make history "hands on" rather than memorizing dates, names and places.

This book is great for beginners or those looking to branch out and explore another, maybe unfamiliar era. The author does a great job introducing each era at the beginning of chapters and provides a comprehensive list of resources at the end of each chapter in case the reader wants to delve deeper.

There are a lot of additional resources out on BoardGameGeek.  Check them out here:

Overall, this book is great value.  A paperback copy will cost you around $26.00.  But if your o.k. with electronic books, a .pdf copy will cost you just $3.00 on  Check it out here:

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Still Here

Ok, so "More to follow soon." turned out to be a year.  An entire year!  Moving, a new house, new job, school, family and friends have kept me more than busy.

It hasn't been an entire year without gaming though.  I've managed to play a few scenarios using Modern Naval Battles Global Warfare and tried a set of WWII submarine war-game rules.  I took good notes to turn into nice write-ups.

I also made 2 key acquisitions.  I bought Modern Naval Battles Global Warfare Campaign Expansion.  This looks like a great set of rules.  The new ship cards and ability to incorporate land based assets and targets into the games looks interesting.  I also bought Star Wars X-Wing.  I'm a huge Star Wars fan, and although the miniatures are a tad on the expensive side, this looks like a simple, fun game.  I hope to play this one soon.

So there you have it.  More to following the next few days.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

School's Out!!

Yep, school is done.  And will be done for awhile.  Education is important and is always a good thing, but I reached the point where I just didn't care about it anymore.  That's the signal that it's time for a break.

We've just moved into a new house and I'm working a new job.  I have plenty of war game projects too, so there's plenty to do.

More to follow soon.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

A step forward in technology

Today, I joined the ranks of iPad users! This is really just a test message using it to update the blog.

I've also started my last semester at NDU and am moving again thanks to the US Army. More to follow in July!!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Falkland Express: A Modern Naval Battles Global Warfare Scenario

(February 21, 2012)

Scenario: "During the Falkland Islands war, the British Fleet ran desperately low on spare parts to keep their carrier-based Harrier jump-jets operational. A fleet supply ship was quickly loaded, met up with an escort, and sailed to the war zone at top speed." (Verssen, n.d. p.9)

  • United Kingdom Fleet - HMS Broadsword and Military Non-Combatant (supply ship)
  • Argentina Fleet - ARA Hercules

Special Rules:
  • Game lasts 3 rounds.
  • Neither side can bring reinforcements.
  • Neither side can use Air Strikes.

Victory Conditions:
  • Argentina wins if it sinks the Military Non-Combatant.
  • UK wins if the Military Non-Combatant remains afloat.

Game 1- This was the first time playing Modern Naval Battles Global Warfare, so this was a test game. I played it solo just to get used to the rules. It was an interesting, but the scenario rules really limited each side's actions. The Argentina Destroyer, ARA Hercules, only has the ability for gun combat.  In this game. it never got off an offensive shot because it didn't draw a Gun Combat action card. It did successfully fend off 3 SSM attacks by the UK Frigate HMS Broadsword. The merchant ship remained afloat after 3 turns so it was a UK victory.

Game 2- I decided to replay the scenario. Again, I played it solo. The Broadsword was the first to act and engaged the Hercules with a SSM attack. The Hercules failed to defend against the attack, was hit and sunk. A very quick game.

Game 3- I played this scenario again, only this time it was a two player game. I played Argentina and acted first. I played a gun combat card and the UK had no organic or defense through an action card. The Broadsword was damaged and took 2 hits. My son played the Broadsword and launched a SSM attack against the Hercules. The Hercules failed its roll for defense and took 3 hits of damage sinking the ship. Another bad result for Argentina!

Veressen, D. (2008). Modern Naval Battles: Global Warfare Rulebook. DVG. Retrieved February 21, 2012 from

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Test Drive - Modern Naval Battles: Global Warfare

I received the game Modern Naval Battles: Global Warfare as a Christmas gift and finally was able to give it a test run today.  I only played one scenario, but I think that this game is very good overall.  It is a card-based game, not a miniatures game.  It may seem strange that a card game gets a spot on a miniature wargame blog.  Thanks to the long range and speed of modern aircraft, missiles, and torpedoes, simulating modern naval combat on a tabletop is just not practical.  And this was the first real day off that I've had since starting school again, so this is really all I have to write about right now! 

I can't speak to how accurately this game simulates modern naval warfare since my background is with the Army.  The rules were simple and easy to learn.  The game also seems to play fast.  The test games that I played were all complete in 30 minutes or less.  Perfect for those of us with limited hobby time!

A write up will follow soon.

Here's a link for more information from DVG's site:

And for even more information, a pdf version of the rules can be found here:

There's even a sample scenario and AAR here:

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all!

There's a lot coming up this year.  I found out that I'm being reassigned again this summer, so we're moving back to Maryland.  We still have friends there so we're very excited to be moving back. 

2012 will certainly be as busy as 2011!