I can't speak to how accurately this game simulates modern naval warfare since my background is with the Army. The rules were simple and easy to learn. The game also seems to play fast. The test games that I played were all complete in 30 minutes or less. Perfect for those of us with limited hobby time!
A write up will follow soon.
Here's a link for more information from DVG's site: http://www.dvg.com/.sc/ms/dd/ee/49/Modern%20Naval%20Battles%20-%20Global%20Warfare
And for even more information, a pdf version of the rules can be found here: http://images.dvg.com/www.dvg.com/mnbrules.pdf
There's even a sample scenario and AAR here: http://images.dvg.com/www.dvg.com/mnb-gwscenarios.pdf