Saturday, April 21, 2012

Falkland Express: A Modern Naval Battles Global Warfare Scenario

(February 21, 2012)

Scenario: "During the Falkland Islands war, the British Fleet ran desperately low on spare parts to keep their carrier-based Harrier jump-jets operational. A fleet supply ship was quickly loaded, met up with an escort, and sailed to the war zone at top speed." (Verssen, n.d. p.9)

  • United Kingdom Fleet - HMS Broadsword and Military Non-Combatant (supply ship)
  • Argentina Fleet - ARA Hercules

Special Rules:
  • Game lasts 3 rounds.
  • Neither side can bring reinforcements.
  • Neither side can use Air Strikes.

Victory Conditions:
  • Argentina wins if it sinks the Military Non-Combatant.
  • UK wins if the Military Non-Combatant remains afloat.

Game 1- This was the first time playing Modern Naval Battles Global Warfare, so this was a test game. I played it solo just to get used to the rules. It was an interesting, but the scenario rules really limited each side's actions. The Argentina Destroyer, ARA Hercules, only has the ability for gun combat.  In this game. it never got off an offensive shot because it didn't draw a Gun Combat action card. It did successfully fend off 3 SSM attacks by the UK Frigate HMS Broadsword. The merchant ship remained afloat after 3 turns so it was a UK victory.

Game 2- I decided to replay the scenario. Again, I played it solo. The Broadsword was the first to act and engaged the Hercules with a SSM attack. The Hercules failed to defend against the attack, was hit and sunk. A very quick game.

Game 3- I played this scenario again, only this time it was a two player game. I played Argentina and acted first. I played a gun combat card and the UK had no organic or defense through an action card. The Broadsword was damaged and took 2 hits. My son played the Broadsword and launched a SSM attack against the Hercules. The Hercules failed its roll for defense and took 3 hits of damage sinking the ship. Another bad result for Argentina!

Veressen, D. (2008). Modern Naval Battles: Global Warfare Rulebook. DVG. Retrieved February 21, 2012 from