Friday, December 16, 2011

'Ultramarines' the Movie

Aaron and I just watched the movie Ultramarines.  It got some very poor reviews.  I didn't think it was that bad.  Certainly not worth $30.00.  The story was a little slow at points, and it was a bit predictable.  I thought the graphics were good though.  I don't know what other's level of expectation was when this first came out, but I can understand being disappointed if the expectation was something along the lines of Star Wars. 

Aaron really seemed to enjoy it.  He's getting increasingly interested in Warhammer 40K.  We actually played a small game a few years ago so I foresee more in the near future.  Hey he's even reading "The Horus Heresy".  Hmmn...a kid spending time reading for fun and hanging out with Dad.  Who said GW was bad!

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