Sunday, December 11, 2011

Back in Action!

Well, the paper is turned in and the semester is over.  Time for the Christmas season and some quality hobby time!  Here are some random thoughts about what I'll be doing:

  1. I just finished reading "Iron Coffins: A Personnel Account of the German U-Boat Battles of WWII" by Herbert Werner.  Great book!!  And great potential for war-gamming too.  More to follow on this one.
  2. American Civil War by GASLIGHT Solo Scenario - I've moved forward a bit on this.  I'm being very deliberate with this project because my real aim is to document the thought process, choices, and decisions.  I think that this is the essence of solo war-gaming.  Expect more write-ups soon.
  3. American Civil War by GASLIGHT Battle Report - My son and I managed to get a game in.  It was a small encounter between reconnaissance forces.  This may take some time to get published since I took no pictures.  I do have notes and a battle map.  Getting this published may take some time as I fumble through the map making.
That's all for now.  Stand-by for updates.

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